Services we offers

$250/one hour lab
Want to understand how Glaciers changed our topography? Like to eat ice cream? Want a fun, dynamic, social class that you’ll never forget? We got you! Glaciology is edible, yes we eat our lab! Learn all about Glaciers, all supplies included and clean up as well!!

Sedimentary Rock and Roll
$250/one hour
Edible science continues with this one of a kind way to create, identify and understand all rock forms! Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary
Rock samples will be hand formed by your students and at class end, well you guessed it, we eat rocks!

$250/one hour lab
Want to touch, examine and learn about fossils?!?! Let Jules come and share this fast paced, one of a kind, dynamic Paleo lab! Complete with fossils, identification, and collaborative teams, we will move through time and identify fossils! Students will identify specific marine fossils to keep at class end! Scouts, this class is Badge certified!

Tiger Mountain Adventures
Amber Adventures
4 hour adventure: $50/per person
Classroom rates available Meet at the base of Tiger Mountain and head back in time… 35 million years to be exact! We will learn about the Eocene Era, hike and excavate one of a kind Amber that students get to keep!!! This is a 4 hour trip, begining hikers welcome, perfect for ages 4+

Sedimentary Rock and Roll
$250/One Hour add to Amber Adventure
Older students who wish to fully embrace the rock cycle on our hike can add a cliffside one of a kind sand stone lab! Not only will we collect all three rock types to keep for identification and collection, we will bring our lab to the mountains with microscopic views of sedimentary rock…. What deposited this sand stone? Perfect for Washington State geology classes! Grades 5+

$250/one hour lab
Mohs Scale of Hardness brought to life! This Dynamic lab brings up to 18 sample minerals for identification! Jules will walk you through a fun filled, fast paced, memorable lab and best part? Students KEEP every mineral identified to start their own collection!! Scouts, this lab is a badge!!

Glowing Minerals
Two Hour Night Class / $40/per person
Classroom rates available Twice a month, when there is no moon, we will investigate a lava flow and learn the science of florescence! Collecting glowing Minerals while using both short and long wave black lights!! All found minerals are yours to keep!! Perfect ages 5+